Resource View: zope.browserresource.resources

Resource URL access

class zope.browserresource.resources.Resources(context, request)[source]

Bases: zope.publisher.browser.BrowserView

A view that can be traversed further to access browser resources.

This view is usually registered for zope.component.interfaces.ISite objects with no name, so resources will be available at <site>/@@/<resource>.

Let’s test how it’s traversed to get registered resources. Let’s create a sample resource class and register it.

>>> from zope.component import provideAdapter
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.publisher.interfaces import NotFound
>>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer
>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
>>> class Resource(object):
...     def __init__(self,request):
...         self.request = request
...     def __call__(self):
...         return 'http://localhost/testresource'
>>> provideAdapter(Resource, (IDefaultBrowserLayer,), Interface, 'test')

Now, create a site and request objects and get the Resources object to work with.

>>> site = object()
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> resources = Resources(site, request)

Okay, let’s test the publishTraverse method. It should traverse to our registered resource.

>>> resource = resources.publishTraverse(request, 'test')
>>> resource.__parent__ is site
>>> resource.__name__ == 'test'
>>> resource()

However, it will raise NotFound exception if we try to traverse to an unregistered resource.

>>> resources.publishTraverse(request, 'does-not-exist')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotFound: Object: <zope.browserresource.resources.Resources object at 0x...>,
          name: 'does-not-exist'

When accessed without further traversing, it returns an empty page and no futher traversing steps.

>>> view, path = resources.browserDefault(request)
>>> view() == b''
>>> path == ()

The Resources view also provides __getitem__ method for use in templates. It is equivalent to publishTraverse.

>>> resource = resources['test']
>>> resource.__parent__ is site
>>> resource.__name__ == 'test'
>>> resource()
publishTraverse(request, name)[source]

Query for the default adapter on request named name and return it.

This is usually a IResource as registered with IResourceDirective.

The resource object is located beneath the context of this object with the given name.

Raises:NotFound – If no adapter can be found.

See also



See zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserPublisher interface